Sunday 14 July 2024

Bosch cordless drill gearbox

 The drill was making horrible stripped gear sort of noises.

I took it apart, couldn't see any damage, put is back together and it's fine. I have a horrible feeling it may have just skipped out of hear and I hadn't noticed.

But, for the record, here's how it goes back together

Remove the chuck before starting to take it apart. Left hand thread for the locking screw, right hand thread for the chuck. Put it into lowest torque setting.

All the body screws are fairly obvious.

Resist the temptation to fiddle with the torque setting once it's apart, it can turn too far in either direction and cause trouble in reassembly. If you do turn it past hammer, push those two lugs down towards the motor end while turning it back:

And here's the order for reassembly

Make sure the ball bearings are correctly seated on the springs before fitting the clutch ring, and check the clutch ring can be pushed down evenly all round.


The housing does have an alignment lug but it is quite small, check carefully

Ford 4610 Fuel Tank Removal

 I had a nasty case of diesel bug, to the point where cleaning the tank strainer was getting to be about a weekly  occurrence. I had tried cleaning the tank in place, but that just seemed to make it angry. Well, more like left more water in the tank and fed it. So the time had s=come to get the  tank off for a proper clean.

The trouble is, the cab is in the way and I don't really have the means to remove the whole cab. 

I tried splitting the cab along the half way line. Don't try this, the bar that remains under the windscreen is a solid, structural-looking thing that I din't want to interfere with.It turns out that all you need to do is remove the front two bolts holding the cab on, and then you can tip the cab up sufficiently to get the tank out without having to completely remove all the floor controls and the cab. 

To get the cowl off the steering wheel, gear selectors, throttle and instruments have to come off, and the exhaust and bonnet. 

The bracket holding the cowl on has to come off to allow the tank to pull out.

An even lit with a jack on each side

And away she goes

I cleaned and dried the  tank, and too the opportunity to get at the electrics. After refilling with fresh diesel and a dose of diesel bug treatment, it's running fine at the moment.

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